Leading MBT Groups Course

Group psychotherapy is a powerful context in which to focus on mental states of others.



Leading MBT Groups

Groups play a fundamental role and are an integral part of any comprehensive MBT program. Two types of groups, differing in nature and task, are provided, namely MBT-I, and MBT-G. MBT-I is a 10-to-12-week introductory group that is educational in nature and prepares one for participation in the intensive treatment program; it is a class in which patients learn about attachment, emotions, personality, and mentalizing through simple presentation, discussion, exercises and homework.

The MBT- G was originally designed to run concurrently with patients’ individual therapy; it is akin to a traditional process group yet differs in significant ways. MBT-G is a highly structured modality which serves as a “training ground” for interpersonal mentalizing. Its overall aim is to enhance mentalizing abilities of group members by facilitating reflective function in the here and now. It encourages a group culture of relational curiosity and relies heavily on an “active”, participating clinician rather than one adopting a position secondary to group process.

While MBT-I and MBT-G were designed to be an integral part of a comprehensive MBT program we recognize the value of groups, and a growing trend amongst clinicians trying to better serve the needs of their patients by offering groups as treatment that stands alone or as adjunctive to structured clinical management.

This course is designed for clinicians already providing groups or wishing to begin them. Through presentation, video examples, demonstration and role play, the structure, group rules, components, and role of the group leaders for both types of groups will be taught.



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